Jess Fullick
Director’s Philosophy
I am very passionate about Early Education and the importance of inspiring educators to model and guide children through these most crucial years of learning. I am a strong believer in providing meaningful and positive environments that will support, encourage, and inspire children to be who they are each day. I am a people person and pride myself on my will for strong connection, conversation and partnership with families and the community to create a safe feeling of belonging for everyone.
Our Learning Space
Our outdoor space encourages children to be active and to support their learning in a variety of environments. We foster creative play by including loose parts and open ended play materials in our outdoor learning environment.
Nurturing Our Future Leaders
Developing leadership qualities in children is essential because it sets the groundwork for their character growth. Leadership is not limited to instilling confidence. It aids in the development of children’s teamwork and social interaction abilities.
Our Class Rooms
At The Hub children are grouped according to age. We split children into six rooms called: