The Hub Elermore Vale is situated in the heart of Elermore Vale with beautiful natural elements in our play spaces providing large outdoor environments connecting to the rooms. We offer indoor/outdoor experiences to provide children with choice within their environment to support their sense of agency and development of their skills while learning through play.

Yola Kruger
Director’s Philosophy
I believe that the first 5 years of a child’s life are the most important for their early learning and development. Children are competent and capable of constructing and directing their own learning reaching when supported. I acknowledge that children are born belonging to a culture and have respect for diversity I value the beliefs of families and use these to further my early childhood pedagogy. I believe as a Director, I have an important role to support and lead my team of educators. It is essential for children, families and educators to be immersed within an inspiring and uplifting environment with a team who are cohesive and demonstrate team work.
Our Learning Space
Amazing Atelier
Our Class Rooms
At The Hub children are grouped according to age. We split children into six rooms called: